My Way of Working

What's the use of Archimate anyway

What's the use of Archimate anyway

Last week, I discovered a new podcast called The Enterprise Architecture Experience. They had two episodes featuring interviews with Dr. Svyatoslav Kotusev about his books and work.

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Enterprise architectural skunk works

Enterprise architectural skunk works

Most big organizations I’ve worked with are more akin to an ecosystem of multiple smaller companies. These smaller companies all share the same umbrella of the bigger total but internally compete for resources and priorities.

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Mapping out an organization is a massive task

Mapping out an organization is a massive task

A big part of enterprise architecture is keeping your architecture model up to date. Without this model, it’s impossible to do your real job in advising projects, strategy and general company awareness.

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Modeling data and information in an organization

Modeling data and information in an organization

The last weeks I’ve been focusing a lot on the data and information models in our architecture. Organizations have so much data flowing around that it’s hard to effectively map it all out.

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Enterprise architecture needs to get better at architecture strategy

Enterprise architecture needs to get better at architecture strategy

I’ve been reading a lot of strategy books these last weeks 1 (also two James Bond books, but that is probably not related to this post), and I’ve been trying to tie it to my everyday work of enterprise architecture.

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Taming Chaos: Handeling vendor based architecture

Taming Chaos: Handeling vendor based architecture

I’ve noticed a huge shift in the architecture of big companies in the last few years: companies are shifting from in-house development to third-party applications, shedding the traditional ‘Not Invented Here’ stigma in favor of external innovation.

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Communication for team leaders - Ownership

Communication for team leaders - Ownership

And we’ve come to the last post in the series of “communication for team leaders.” This one is about ownership.

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Communication for team leaders - Trust

Communication for team leaders - Trust

The second part of a three-part"Communication for Team Leaders". This one is about trust, letting go and delegating. I think it’s the hardest one for new managers.

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Communication for team leaders - Context

Communication for team leaders - Context

This will be the first post in a series of three called “Communication for Team Leaders”. The first focuses on context and why it’s crucial in daily communication and task-giving.

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I think we should reimagine how we see architecture principles

I think we should reimagine how we see architecture principles

To me, it always seems strange that in a world that thrives on innovation and constant change, every architectural department tries to implement a rigid set of principles that stay in place for years.

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Architecture in an agile world

Architecture in an agile world

Agile in the real world Before we start talking about architecture, it’s a good idea to lay out the foundation of this discussion first.

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Business Capabilities, how I like to use them

Business Capabilities, how I like to use them

What are business capabilities So we should probably start with this right? Business capabilities (further in this article referred to as capabilities) are the backbone of enterprise architecture.

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